Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi (born Andrea Almasi on June 5 on 1985, at Hendersonville, Tennessee) is an American Model and aspiring Actress. She was Briefcase Model Number. 19 in the first season of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal that premiered in December 2005. When she was a kid at Hendersonville, Tennessee as an awkward "tom-boy" sporting glasses and braces AJ had never believed this was something she could do however, at the same while she enjoys it. Family and friend told AJ that because of her "bubbly persona" she was capable of achieving whatever. Almasi quickly changed from shy, non-pretentious girl into a stunning glamour-girl after moving to Los Angeles in order to pursue a career as a model and actor. Aj Almasi (born Andrea Almasi) was an actress who is most well-known for her roles in The Deal or the No Deal (2005) as well as Bikini Destinations (2003) as well as The Late Late Show featuring Craig Ferguson (2005). Deal or No Deal (2006), Bikini Dreams (2003) and The Late Late Show (with Craig Ferguson) are among her credits as an actress. she stood beside Briefcase AJ remains determined to pursue her dream of modeling and acting on the set of L.A. and hopes to take on more of it.

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